英國 -
ISODAQ 水文環境監測資料擷取系統
ISODAQ Data Logger for
Water & Environment Monitoring |

The FROG RX GSM/GPRS telemetry logger is the latest addition to our
existing range of robust data logging and telemetry
solutions manufactured by Isodaq Technology, a
division of Hydro-logic Ltd.
All Isodaq products are designed for water and environmental
monitoring applications where systems are operated
at remote sites often under hostile environmental
conditions. FROG RX shares the same proven hardware
and software platform with all other Isodaq devices
e.g. Hawk and Hawkeye. |
Ideal for hydrometric sites |
FROG RX is an rugged IP68 field telemetry device with a difference
- designed for hydrometrists by hydrometrists
for rapid deployment at minimum cost. The device can
be easily installed inside 100mm tubes, strapped
onto poles/piezometers or fitted inside ground-level
meter-boxes with no other secondary enclosure
required. FROG RX is ideal as a low cost
outstation for generating alarms for heavy rainfall,
river/urban flooding, borehole level or water
quality/pollution alerts. |
Remote monitoring and alarm applications |
River & tidal level/quality
Reservoir & lake level/quality
Borehole level & quality
Open channel flow
Water supply pressure/ flow
Flood warning
Rainfall intensity alarms
Barometric pressure
Wind speed
Mini-weather station (SDI12)
Water quality probes (SDI12)
Pollution warning
Typical sensor inputs and applications
Casella, EM &
MPS Raingauges (Digital tip-event count) |
.bmp) |
Vaisala & Gill
Instruments weather transmitters
(multi-channel input via SDI12) |
Impress depth
level pressure sensors (input via 4-20ma or
SDI12,includes temp) |
In-Situ &
Ponsel range of water quality sensors and
level-loggers (input via 4-20ma or SDI12) |
MACE & Nivus
Ultrasonic flow-meters (input via 4-20ma or
SDI12) |
features |
Ultra-low power battery operated for remote, harsh environ ments.
Hydrometric sensors include tipping-bucket raingauge, miniweather
station and depth level pressure sensors.
Sealed to IP68 to withstand temporary submersion.
Single-input connection for up-to 8 channel logging.
Internal breather-bag allows venting for pressure sensors.
Internal field replaceable battery packs, plus external 12 V
battery option.
Accuracy and storage |
Secure data storage in flash memory eliminates data loss if battery
Storage capacity 29760 16 bit readings; oldest data is overwritten
when full
16-bit resolution and accuracy available with selected high quality
Software options |
Harvest Windows - licence-free for configuration and onsite data
collection using portable or tablet PC.
Pocket Harvest - for Windows Mobile PDAs including ruggedised
Juniper Archer PDA.
IDQTel Windows software - autopolling scheduled data collection and
alarm forwarding for small networks.
Timeview Virtual Appliance Server - autopolling scheduled data
collection and alarm forwarding for large
Timeview.net secure web-site data hosting, graphics display and
file download application, with automatic data
collection/alarm forwarding option via GPRS with
annual subscription.
FROG's battery power options make it the ideal choice for both low
and high-priority applications e.g flood warning.
Battery options include an internally fitted
Alkaline or Lithium battery pack, both field
replaceable, plus a link to an external 12 V
leadacid battery.

Min. 5 year life with ultra-low battery power management techniques
to extend battery life for many applications using Isodaq's
'check-in' data collection mode, particularly
effective when combined with low-cost GPRS
'always-on' protocols.
Unlimited life with external rechargeable 12V lead-acid
battery fitted to a solar or wind trickle-charging
system. |
Logging strategies |
Strategies - Periodic, frequency pulse count, event.
Log intervals - User-specified from 10 secs to12 hrs. Data is
stored at ‘cardinal points’ as per specified
interval (e.g. 15 minutes logging at 00:00,
00:15, 00:30, 00:45 etc).
Communications |
Internal GSM/GPRS modem (800/900/1800/1900 Mhz)
Antennae options - internal or socket for external ant.
Local serial port connector for PCs or PDAs
End-to-end dial-out button to test comms before/after install
lation with GSM signal test kit available for
DNP3 open-protocol for integration with existing SCADA telemetry
servers used by utilities.
Device profile documentation available for DNP3; potential for OPC
Server integration
Alarm functionality suitable for flood and pollution warningup to 4
no. set-points per channel, hysteresis function;
storm rainfall intensity alarms.
Low-cost GPRS SIM option for automatic data collection using
Timeview Telemetry data hosting web-site.
Enclosure options |
.bmp) |
Easy riverside installation option within GRP 100mm sq. box-section
stillingtube enclosure.
Combine box section stilling-tube with gaugeboard via self-adhesive
Space for water-level dipping in 100mm tube without removal.
Fits inside 100mm borehole tube.
Strap to 50mm piezometer tube.
Fix to wall or enclosure back-plate.
Fit inside ground-level meter-box.
Multi-purpose data logger |
The Tadpole GSM/GPRS
data logger is the latest addition to our exisiting range of robust telemetry solutions
manufactured by Isodaq Technology, a division of Hydro-Logic Ltd.
All our products are desgined for water and environmental
monitoring applications where systems are operated at remote
sites often in hostile environments. Tadpole is an
environmentally sealed battery-powered logger which stores values in memory
and transmits data at intervals or on alarm activation
via GPRS to a telemetry server. Battery options include alkaline
and lithium packs providing upto 7yrs life (strong signal; daily
data transfers). Typical real-time monitoring applications include:- • Rainfall intensity monitoring with alarms • Wind profiling or weather monitoring • Water level in rivers, lakes and boreholes • Water quality monitoring • Flood and pollution warning |
deployment at remote sites |
Tadpole connects to a
wide range of single input digital or analogue sensors or multi-parameter SDI-12 sensors – the
ideal multi-purpose device for hydrometric applications.
Tadpole also offers savings for ease of deployment at low cost
inside raingauges, small enclosures or slotting inside 50mm piezometers. Model D (IP65) for enclosures or recording
rain-gauges • Designed in collaboration with Casella
Measurements • Seperate telemetry logger unit with external
battery options • Choice of GSM/GPRS antennae fits inside/outside
enclosure Model S (IP68) for 50mm piezometers or riverside
tubes • Hangs inside 50mm tube and sits on metal cable
hanger • Interchangeable 64Ahr battery pack with IP68
connector • Range of breather and lockable well cap
accessories |
Digital & Analogue sensor inputs |
event/frequency, 4-20mA or SDI-12 options
Rain-gauges:- Casella Tipping-bucket gauge Environmental Measurements gauge MPS weighing principle gauge (SDI-12) |
and direction:- Gill Instruments Windsonic (SDI-12) |
Mini-weather stations:- Gill Instruments MetPak (SDI-12) Vaisala WXT520 (SDI-12) |
pressure transmitters:- Impress Sensors, 4-20mA or SDI-12 with
T. In Situ Inc depth, temp, EC (SDI-12) |
quality probes:- Ponsel single or multi-parameter probes In Situ multi-parameter probe (SDI-12) Aquaread single or multi-parameter
probes |
Ultra-low powered data logger with on-board GSM/GPRS modem ideal
for remote site data capture
Digital or Analogue inputs plus SDI-12 Multi-parameter sensors
Choice of IP65 or IP68 environmentally sealed models for different
Single-input connection for up-to 8 channel logging
Rapid deployment for fitting inside 50mm piezometer tubes or inside
many tipping-bucket rain-gauges
Field replaceable battery packs with range of alkaline,lithium
packs plus external 12V lead-acid option
End-to-end dial-out button to test comms during installation; GSM
signal survey kit also available
SIM card accessible via removable cap
Alarm functions with upto 4 set-points per channel including storm
intensity; hysteresis function
Control & telemetry software options
Options for logger control and automatic data capture:-
Harvest Windows - licence-free for configuration and onsite
data collection using portable or tablet PC
Pocket Harvest - for Windows Mobile PDAs including
ruggedised Juniper Archer PDA
IDQTel Windows software - auto-polling scheduled data
collection and alarm forwarding for small
Timeview Telemetry Virtual Appliance Server – auto-polling
scheduled data collection and alarm forwarding
for large networks
Timeview Telemetry Web-service - secure web-site data
hosting, graphics display and file download
application, with automatic data
collection/alarm forwarding option via GPRS ;
annual subs, service or licenced software
Detailed technical specification |
Digital Input
Analogue Input
SDI-12 Input
8 Channels
Up to 8 sensor addresses
Storage Capacity
Logging Intervals & Strategies
Cardinal point interval 10s, 30s, 1m, 2m, 5m, 15m, 30m 1h, 2h, 3h,
4h, 6h, 8h, 12h.
Event times (e.g time of tip)
Frequency pulse count per interval NB—All channels set
Battery options
Lithium: 16Ah, 1xD cell in holder OR 64Ahr, 4xD cell sealed pack OR
64Ahr, 4xD cell wrapped pack
Alkaline: 16Ah, 4 x D cell wrapped pack
6v or 12V external lead-acid battery
Power Output
Local RS232 to PC serial or USB
Internal GSM/GPRS modem (800/900/1800/1900Mhz)
SIM card accessible via removable cap
External socket with choice of antenna
GPRS fixed address option
Modbus ASCII protocols OR DNP3
protocols for SCADA integration
Enclosure & environment
Encapsulated board with moulded plastic end caps all sealed to IP68
Model S IP68 standard
Model D IP65 standard
Operating limits—- 40 to +70 deg. C 0-100% relative humidity
Model S— 4-pin Hirschmann socket with
input plug supplied
Inputs |
4-20mA, digital (pulse or
state) & 8 SDI-12 Configuration Options: · 1 x 4-20mA & 1 x digital · 1 x 4-20mA & 7 x SDI-12 · 8 x SDI-12 |
Comms |
Modbus ASCII, DNP3, Local
RS232 to PC Serial or USB |
Power |
12V dc – Lithium or Alkaline
Battery External 12V dc supply option
available |
Enclosure |
IP68, Aluminium Body,
Plastic End Caps Dimensions: 87mm x 75mm x 240mm |
Analog Input · 4-20mA input · 50
ohm resistance · 1V maximum drop ·
16 bit resolution A-D · 0.1 %
accuracy · Transient protection |
Digital Input · 2s rainfall tip timing
resolution · 65000 event count · 650Hz max frequency · On/off status · 10K internal pull-up resistor |
SDI-12 Input · 8 Channels · Up to 8 sensor addresses |
Power Output · Switched 12V · 120mA output current · Configurable warm-up |
Storage Capacity · 29768 16-bit readings · Total for up to 8 channels |
Storage Intervals · 10s 30s, 1m, 2m, 5m, 15m, 30m,
1h, 2h, 3h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h. · All channels set
independently. |
Communications · Internal GSM/GPRS mode · Internal antenna (optional
external) · GPRS fixed address option · Local RS232 to PC serial or
USB · Modbus ASCII · DNP3 |
Power Supply · Internal 16 Ah Alkaline
battery · Internal 64 Ah Lithium battery · External 12V lead-acid battery · External 6-24V dc supply |
Dimensions · Width: 87mm · Depth: 75mm · Height: 240mm (270mm with connectors) |
Connectors · Sensor Inputs: 4 Pin
Hirschmann Socket · Coms & Ext Power: 400 Series Buccaneer Socket |
Protection IP68 at 1.2m submersion for 48
hours without significant ingress. |
Operating Limits -40–70 deg C, 0–100% RH |